The Creative FLIP P2P exchange program is aimed at engaging leading, established, and innovative creative hubs with peers from emerging creative hubs across Europe, as well as with relevant educational institutions. The idea of the exchanges is to seek new formats of cross-sectorial cooperation between creative hubs and the educational sector, initiate projects of co-creation or collaborative plans, as well as to share knowledge and expertise across Europe through public and/or community events.

During 2019-2020, Creative FLIP will organize and support 50 exchanges between creative hubs throughout the EU and its neighborhood. Each exchange will support a team of two hub representatives – a member of the hub managing team and a hub member - providing an opportunity to a total of 100 individuals to experience working in a different creative hub, as well as to engage in a mutual learning experience with their hosts. Thus, the program will engage around 200 direct beneficiaries, with many more taking part indirectly by attending the resulting public programs.

The exchange will take place in two rounds:

The 1st round will feature 10 exchanges scheduled to take place in September – November 2019. As a pilot scheme, it is aimed exclusively at the members of European Creative Hubs Network through a closed call for applications. It will serve to test the new format of the visit and draw any potential lessons for improvement for the next round.

The 2nd round, taking place in 2020, will support a total of 40 exchanges and will be open to all interested hubs across Europe.

P2P news


Extension of deadline for applications to the second round of P2P exchanges to 08 February 2020

Creative FLIP project announces the second round of its peer-to-peer exchange and mobility scheme for creative hubs from across the European continent and its neighborhood!

Creative FLIP’s P2P Exchange kicks off!

We are happy to announce that 1st round of P2P exchanges has successfully started, with 10 visits taking place throughout the month of October!

P2P exchange program first round results

P2P blog

The participants tell us their stories from the exchanges of the P2P program


Culture Hub Croatia and Anykščiai Art Incubator P2P Exchange


Espacio Arroelo and Zip House P2P Experience

During December of 2020 Espacio Arroelo had the chance to develop a P2P experience with Zip House in Moldova.

Nova Iskra and Creative Mentorship (Serbia) visits CRU Cowork (Portugal)

The thematic focus of our p2p exchange was mentorship, especially one dedicated to the actors and professionals from the creative sector. We used the opportunity to understand and map the potentials of the hosting hub in order to raise awareness on the value of mentorship and create guidelines for development of the future mentorship program for the hosting hub (CRU).