who we are
The Creative FLIP Project is implemented by a consortium of six partners, led by the Goethe-Institut.
Each of the partners brings forth their renowned specialist expertise
in the specific areas covered by the project.
The Goethe-Institut, the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany, is the lead partner on the Creative FLIP project. With 159 institutes in 98 countries, it is active worldwide in promotion of the German language and culture, and in fostering international cultural cooperation. In addition to conveying information about the cultural, social and political life in Germany, the Goethe-Institut’s cultural and educational programmes encourage intercultural dialogue and enable cultural involvement. Through these programmes, the Goethe-Institut supports and strengthens the development of structures in civil society and fosters worldwide mobility as well as exchange of best practices. The Goethe-Institut has a long-time experience of innovative learning approaches as well as interdisciplinary training and capacity building formats. Due to its local anchorage, the Goethe-Institut has a thorough knowledge of the diverse local and regional CCI contexts and fosters cross-learning among the cultural and creative sectors as well as an inter-sectorial cross-fertilisation. It works on numerous projects in the sector, from establishing cultural entrepreneurship hubs to internationalization of CCIs.

Dubravka Jurisic

Wanda Poitschke
European Creative Hubs Network
The European Creative Hubs Network is a peer-led network with a mission to enhance the creative, economic and social impact of hubs. It is the first network in Europe, specifically tailored to support physical spaces that host and provide services to multiple creative businesses.
ECHN aims to enhance the ecosystem that supports the development and growth of the creative and cultural sector by supporting the subsistence and growth of creative hubs in Europe, creating a community of experienced creative hubs leaders across Europe from a variety of sectors and promoting hubs as innovative models to support the creative economy in Europe.

Vassilis Charalampidis

Chryssa Vlachopoulou

Relja Bobić
IDEA Consult
IDEA Consult is a private economic research and consultancy organisation, founded in 1998 and located in Brussels. It offers research-based consultancy where economic research is translated into strategic advice for government institutions and companies. The team dedicated to the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) advised a large number of public entities and actors at European, national, regional and local levels on themes from access to finance to the competitiveness of CCS. As one of many examples, the team authored different reports on CCS and access to finance for the CCS on behalf of the European Commission and the Flemish Government, including the “Survey on Access to Finance for Cultural and Creative Sectors” and “Crowdfunding4Culture” for the European Commission, DG Education and Culture, and “A mapping study of complementary finance instruments for CCS” for the Flemish Government. Over the years, the CCS team has developed a strong international network of partner organisations (both consultancy companies and research institutes/universities) and experts with whom it works together on a regular basis to ensure the highest quality and access to state-of-the-art knowledge.

Isabelle De Voldere

Eveline Durinck

Sylvia Amman

Joost Heinsius
VVA Economics and Policy
The VVA Group was established in 1992 by a team of professors from Bocconi University. Over 20 years it has developed into a full-service consultancy with offices in Milan and Brussels. Our in-house team of about 100 consultants, academics, economists, lawyers and researchers specialises in providing high quality advisory services to private and public-sector clients.
VVA has built a reputation for delivering high quality analysis, clearly expressed, to tight deadlines. In addition to our public sector clients (mostly the European Commission), we have worked for more than 600 companies, both in the Industrial and Mass Market industries. In particular, the VVA team has a proven track record in providing in-depth analysis, strategic advice and business planning support to entities and companies involved in digital and technology industries.

Elissavet Lykogianni

Magdalena Klebba
Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg (IPIL)
Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg (Intellectual Property Institute Luxembourg – IPIL) is the official counterpart of Luxembourg’s IP Office. As the main actor in the country involved in IP awareness, training and services provision to economic actors and to the general public, IPIL is developing a whole range of IP-related services and activities for companies (especially SMEs), public research institutions, and IP professionals. IPIL also has extensive experience in information search and gathering, IP data analysis and management in the development of technological and competitive intelligence strategies and providing IP training sessions addressing the strategic needs of the businesses.
Years of experience in being an active player within the EU-funded projects, among which one of the last was the European IPR Helpdesk, IPIL has established strong connections with the majority of the national and international IP offices in Europe, along with numerous SME associations and business organisations around the continent.

Cyrille Dubois

Onur Emul

Christelle Olsommer

Allan Zimmermann
3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Established in 2001, 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH (3s) has a long track record of successful work on projects in the fields of knowledge, learning and work – most notably vocational education and training (VET), higher education as well as adult education. Focusing on the interface between education and the labour market, 3s is also engaged in developing methods, tools and instruments for monitoring labour market needs, matching supply and demand, and disseminating research results to a specialised as well as to a non-specialised audience. 3s is an experienced European project partner and co-operates formally (e.g. as a member of the Cedefop reference network (until 2015), and as consultant to DG Employment and DG Education) as well as informally with EU institutions. It was actively involved in the development of ESCO as well as the development and implementation of the EQF (European Qualifications Framework) and ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training). 3s also contributed to specific topics addressed by Cedefop’s skills forecasting initiative (Mid-term skills supply and demand forecasts) and the European Skills Panorama.