Creative FLIP Learning Labs to kick off
With the start of a new year, Creative FLIP is happy to see the 15 selected hubs kicking off their Learning Labs.
Across 11 European countries, cultural and creative professionals are going to bring different ways of creativity to their local schools, universities and places of non-formal education.
Discover the hubs’ individual Learning Labs and how they plan to build the bridge between cultural & creative professionals on the one hand, and students of all types of educational institutions on the other hand.
BASIS Vinschgau Venosta
Landesberufsschule Schlanders

Location: Schlanders, South Tyrol, Italy
BASIS Vinschgau Venosta &
Landesberufsschule Schlanders
"Vom Handwerk zum Design – from Handcraft to Design"
This Learning Lab aims to promote transversal and creative skills in the craft sector through the valorization and apprenticeship of design and materials in vocational schools. Over the last century vocational schools and craftsmanship have developed a strong technical knowledge and application. The goal is to give students a valuable insight into the foundation and tradition of diverse crafts and design disciplines such as marble, metal and wood. Their specific task is to design and build an e-bike stand for their local community, using 3D printing to prepare the model.
Format: 2-day Workshop at the school and the hub, including theoretical lessons as well as designing and producing. Students and teachers are guided through the process by graphic designer Katrin Gruber and architect & interior designer Laurin Kofler.

Location: Messejana, Portugal
Buinho Creative Hub &
Agrupamento de Escolas nº1 de Beja
This Learning Lab aims to create alternative learning incentives based on the repair movement. Hardware hacking and digital competences are used as educational and civic tools, addressing in particular students who are at risk of early school abandon. At the same time the goal is to enable creative and educational practices within the digital field.
And who is Deita-Gatos?
He was a traveling server, in times of deprivation during the first half of the XXth century in Portugal. Repairs of clothes, shoes and few electrical appliances prolonged their lives tremendously. The revival of sustainable practices becomes important in a current society of unrestrained consumerism.
Format: Recycling and repair sessions – from the collection of recyclables to a hands-on Workshop at the school or hub, giving the chosen objects new life
Cicia - Centrul de Incubare Creativ-Inovativ de Afaceri
Liceul Tehnologic Dimitrie Leonida Piatra Neamt

Location: Roznov, Romania
Cicia - Centrul de Incubare Creativ-Inovativ de Afaceri &
Liceul Tehnologic Dimitrie Leonida Piatra Neamt
"Power of Play"
This Learning Lab prioritizes the development of key competences such as creative and entrepreneurial skills for vocational students. Facilitators of the hub use "Storytelling" as an innovative teaching approach, complemented with digital skills and the creation of hypervideos by the students themselves. These videos will be inspired by exchanges between students and successful business of their local community. Additionally and with the help of LEGO and a Business Model Canvas, students put themselves in the role of an entrepreneur, prototyping their own business.
Format: LEGO Entrepreneurship Workshops at the school and several sessions to produce hypervideos, including interviews, script writing and acting.
Fab Lab Barcelona
Escola Sant Martí del PobleNou

Location: Barcelona, Spain
Fab Lab Barcelona &
Escola Sant Martí del PobleNou
"ReMix The School"
This Learning Lab focusses on food recycling and upcycling principles at school. Long-term goal is the empowerment of those working in and for the educational ecosystem to be digital social innovators and drivers of change. Staff at the Future Learning Unit of the IAAC Fab Lab Barcelona (creative lab) will help empower a group of 6th grade students to work with leftovers of food by means of craft and artisan techniques and digital manufacturing.
Format: The coordinator and food-material designers of the hub facilitate several online and in-class sessions, preparing the creation of new objects through food recycling. An exhibition of these objects, accessible for the local community, will mark the successful implementation of the project.
FabLab Oberland e.V.
Grund- und Mittelschule

Location: Gmund am Tegernsee, Germany
FabLab Oberland e.V. &
Grund- und Mittelschule
"We use technology of today, to be (innova+crea) -tive tomorrow!"
This Learning Lab aims to actively engage students and teachers in learning about creative approaches and practical experimentation. In the course of a workshop series, specifically tailored to students of different ages at primary and secondary school, the hub introduces students to tools such as laser cutters, 3D printers and construction of small electric circuits for toys.
Format: Workshops at the primary and secondary school, making glowing holiday cards, a playhouse and designing objects with the help of a 3D printer.
Scoala Gimnaziala Babel
"Our magic powers - Learning Lab for changing things around you"
This Learning Lab uses the design-thinking process to involve students in improving their learning environment, taking into account the current need for home schooling and the wish for a safe return to school in the next months. Context: In Romania children have not been able to physically go to school for almost one year and this Learning Lab will help improve the conditions under which the students continue to follow their education.
Format: A group of participants, selected through an open call, meets at the Hub where creative professionals guide them through the design-thinking process, identifying problems and tangible solutions. During 3 to 4 sessions solutions will be produced in forms of physical objects. Due to the nature of design-thinking, the outcome itself will only be defined in the course of the Learning Lab.
Impact Hub Athens &
41st High School of Athens
"Paint The Change"
This Learning Lab builds on street art for social justice. Through a series of workshops & co-creation exercises between students from diverse backgrounds and a renowned street artist, the students define a topic close to their heart and of importance to the entire group. The final outcome represents the students' perspective and amplifies their call for action & social change towards their community.
Format: During several workshops and with the help of an artists, students create and design symbols representing the project's core message. Based on this joint preparatory work, the artist transfers students' input to a masterpiece, a mural in the Athenian neighborhood of Kypseli.
Accademia di Belle Arti Rosario Gagliardi Siracusa

Location: Prato, Italy
Lottozero &
Accademia di Belle Arti Rosario Gagliardi Siracusa
"My personal Heritage"
This Learning Lab highlights the potential of archival materials as creative fuel that allows us to interpret the past and the contemporary, but also to foresee what is to come in the future. It aims to instruct participants on how to approach archival materials, in this particular case textile collections, through design tools and versatile techniques.
Format: The hub develops and implements a compact creative course for both professionals and amateurs with an artistic passion. The course is piloted with a group of students in Fine Arts, Design and Fashion.
Osnovna Šola Toneta Čufarja
Osnovna Šola Log Dragomer

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
RogLab &
Osnovna Šola Toneta Čufarja &
Osnovna Šola Log Dragomer
"FabLab Zoo"
This Learning Lab offers children new knowledge in the field of digital technologies aligned with their school's curricular. Teachers and students are introduced to new software and modeling environments and guided through the workshop process via an online platform.
Format: This is an online Learning Lab which is piloted during two workshops for the students of two primary schools. The first workshop focusses on e-textiles while the second one covers the topic of 3D paper objects in form of a carnival masks.
Tinderbox Collective
Craigroyston Community High School

Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Tinderbox Collective &
Craigroyston Community High School
"Smart-Board Music, composition and digital music production"
This Learning Lab experiments at the crossing of digital composition & song-writing, including the (virtual) presence of guest musicians and possibilities of remote teaching in music education at school. Communication tools such as in class smart-boards, video conferencing and interactive brainstorming options will facilitate co-creations of students, teachers and creative professionals from the hub.
Format: Hybrid or fully digital, the team behind the Hub develops and pilots hands-on tutorials for a more interactive and timely music education.
TransfoLAB BCN &
CEIP La Llacuna del Poblenou
"From Cradle to Maker"
This Learning Lab builds on the concepts of upcycling, circular economy, creative and design processes. Bringing the students to the hub and introducing them to creative professionals from the field is a substantial part of this experiment.
Format: The hub hosts guided visits and theoretical sessions for groups of students, followed by practical workshops onsite. With the help of hub members, students will collect and upcycle discarded materials, creating original objects.
Tuzla Live Association
Gimnazija "Meša Selimović"

Location: Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tuzla Live Association &
Gimnazija "Meša Selimović"
"Schools & Hubs Coop"
This Learning Lab aims to motivate and educate a group of teenage students in the basics of Craft and Trade at the intersection with entrepreneurship. Key element is the development of creative projects and business ideas, shaping the students' future academic and job aspirations.
Format: This is a series of workshops facilitated by the hub community members, focusing on topics such as Graphic Art, Handy crafts, design-thinking and product design. A closing ceremony will highlight the students' work and concrete project proposals developed throughout the workshops.
UPTEC - Science and Technology Park
of the University of Porto
University of Porto

Location: Porto, Portugal
UPTEC - Science And Technology Park Of The University Of Porto &
University Of Porto
" What’s Art Got To Do With It?
- Artists talk about management competences"
This Learning Lab explores the intersection of art and management and how both connect. It was designed and developed to actively involve a group of students of Cultural Economics (Master of Economics), at the Faculty of Economics of Porto. Further, it is targeted to all those who are interested in learning creative practices and processes.
Format: A series of interviews is being conducted during which artists share their management competences, tools and experience. The outcome, 5 professionally conducted interviews, will serve as basis for group discussion for the involved students and is available for other Universities to use as teaching material.
Explore the final final videos in the gallery:
- Leadership, by film director Rodrigo Areias
- Team building, by choreographer Mariana Amorim
- Audience relationship, by performer Melissa Rodrigues
- Planning, by sculptor Isaque Pinheiro
- Innovation, by composer Filipe Lopes
Vechtclub XL
X11 Media en Vormgeving,

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Vechtclub XL &
X11 Media en Vormgeving,
"The XL coaching sessions"
This Learning Lab builds on the direct interaction between pre-vocational students and various creative professionals such as Musicians, Photographers, Bike Designers, Tattoo Artists and others. The hub hosts online coaching sessions, streamed from a glass house on their premises, the heart of its creative workspace. Students and entrepreneurs go through a speed-dating process, exchanging stories and, ultimately, matching students with an entrepreneur of their choice.
Format: Online studio sessions. The creative entrepreneurs are located at the hub, each connecting virtually with a small group of students. In a co-designing process, the group develops a co-creation relating to the entrepreneur's profession. Simultaneously this offers an opportunity for in-depth exchange touching upon life choices that led to becoming a creative entrepreneur. The entire process is being filmed, resulting in a professional documentary.
vzw BULB &
Saint Barbara College Gent
"FIX or MIX"
This Learning Lab will explore the topic of circular economy, teaching students basic repair skills in electronic equipment, furniture and garments. In an additional step and if the products are beyond repair, students learn how to disassemble the objects back to usable items, analyze their potential functions and design new appliances by combining components.
Format: The hub will host repair workshops at its premises, leading students through a product design process. The facilitators are professional industrial designers with long experience in co-creation processes.