Creative FLIP is proud to share with you the Conference Conclusions which are a result of January’s FLIPPING THE ODDS Conference in Brussels.
Gathering close to 250 CCS Stakeholders from across Europe, the two-day high-level event was organised jointly by the Creative FLIP project and the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.
The publication features a vivid photographic documentation of speakers and participants to the conference and detailed outcomes of two days of fruitful discussion with policy makers in the field of culture and stakeholders from the cultural and creative sector itself.
Readers will get an insight on two closed focus group sessions held on January 28, 2020. These sessions were prepared by the Creative FLIP consortium and moderated by consortium member IDEA Consult as well as the experts on Finance for CCI, Joost Heinsius and Sylvia Amann.
Day two of the conference was dedicated to seven thematic parallel sessions with over 200 participants in total. This part of the conference was organised by the European Commission (DG EAC) in the context of the Council Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022, Priority Area C: “An ecosystem supporting artists, cultural and creative professionals and European content”. The conference conclusions mirror intensive discussions on the following topics:
I. Creative Europe guarantee facility and capacity building for financiers
II. IPR, including patenting & digital single market developments
III. CCS and evidence-based policy-making
IV. Cross-sectoral collaboration and innovation: S+T+ARTS and other initiatives
V. CCI in regional and local development (smart specialisation) strategies
VI. KICs (knowledge and innovation communities) for CCIs
VII. OMC reports and council recommendations
Finally, the Creative FLIP team was honoured to receive Commissioner Mariya Gabriel for the closing address of the conference.
We would like to address a special thank you to our colleagues and partners, the European Commission, all speakers and participants, and all those who have contributed with their valuable input and dedication to the conference and to this publication.
For photos, presentations and program of the conference, click here.