Creative hubs to introduce creativity to schools, universities & all kinds and levels of education!
Learning Labs are joint pilot projects between creative hubs and schools/universities/various types of formal and non-formal educational institutions.
As creative skills are often not included in the official curricula of schools and education, Learning Labs aim to test how this can be tackled and introduce new ways of creative skills development to the educational system.
Members of Creative hubs (creative professionals, artists and community managers) are invited to come up with innovative programs and ideas to be implemented in schools and all levels and forms of education. These programs should aim to transmit transversal and creative skills to students.
hubs from EU Member States, Creative Europe & ENP countries
Joint projects between hubs and educational institutions
1 December
2020 -
20 March
3000 €
per project
for the full implementation of a Learning Lab
25 November 2020
(23:59 h CET)
The results of the applications will be announced in the coming days.
This call is targeted at Creative hubs who wish to establish or strengthen their cooperation with educational institutions in their community. A creative hub is a physical space for creative & cultural activity, that offers the most effective way to support people’s growth, collaboration, interaction and development.
All Creative hubs based in one of the EU Member States, Creative Europe countries and ENP countries are eligible to apply.
Applications shall be submitted by the creative hub who will receive the financial support. A confirmed written agreement with an educational institution is a requirement for applying. Written confirmation might be in the form of an email exchange.
The Learning Labs program is focused on two important goals:
While these skills continue to play a more and more crucial role in the job market, their inclusion in formal and non-formal educational curricula is still largely insufficient. There is a need for innovative programs which strive to achieve this change.
The creative sector is the center of innovation and creative thinking and is full of talent and practical knowledge that should be further promoted and shared. There is an obvious need and benefit to be achieved from including CCI entrepreneurs themselves in educational processes and from establishing stronger cooperation among CCIs, social partners, and education and training providers.
Learning Laboratories are innovative pilot projects for cooperation between Creative hubs and educational institutions with the goal of promoting transversal and creative skills transfer.
The Learning Laboratories will be implemented by the respective Creative hub in cooperation with their local institutions or organizations of formal or non-formal learning (from primary schools, to university and non-formal education institutions).
Learning Labs can take place in different formats:
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: All Learning Lab projects must be of at least one full day in duration, or in the format of several shorter workshops spread across several days/weeks.
All online Learning Lab projects must involve a production/design of original material.
*COVID INFO: For any physically held activities, participants agree to respect the official measures in place in the respective country and to act according to safety standards (wearing face masks, providing hand sanitizer, keeping surfaces clean, keeping distance etc.)
These pilot projects open doors for possible future cooperation, continuation of the joint working experience and establishment of creative skills development.
All implemented labs will be brought together in one big event, entitled Creative Campus in spring 2021. Organizers and participants of Learning Labs will be invited to join. The Creative campus aims to present and discuss the outputs of these pilot projects and will directly feed into the formulation of conclusions and recommendations for policy makers.
Using the experience and collected data from the labs, a set of guidelines for creative skills development will be created. These guidelines will include recommendations, good practices and possible obstacles or success factors for creative skills transfer into the educational sector.
Participation in the program foresees the following benefits:
- Financial support of 3,000 EUR for the design and implementation of a Learning Lab project (total of 15 Laboratories)
- Promotion of your Learning Lab/cooperation project on social media, with the European Commission and other relevant stakeholders;
- Participation in the Creative CampusWorkshop – an online event to be held in spring 2021, where outcomes and lessons learned from the Learning Labs projects will be discussed and summarized.
- Inclusion of best practice cases in the final report and Guidelines of the Creative FLIP project and their presentation at the projects final conference in May 2020 (tbc).
Creative hubs interested in implementing cooperation projects with educational institutions should fill out the online application form.
Before submitting the application, the hubs should have a confirmed agreement with a formal or non-formal educational institution on this cooperation project.
Selection results will be issued no later than 30 November 2020.
The evaluation will be based on the proposed program and motivation of the applicant. Please elaborate your answers to open-ended questions, as this will help the evaluation of your application.
Further, the jury will take in consideration the diversity participating institutions, geographical balance and any sustainability plans proposed.
Selected projects will receive 3,000 EUR for the design and implementation of a Learning Lab (lump sum, paid in two installments).
This budget should be used to cover the following costs:
- expert fees (hub experts acting as trainers during the labs);
- development and design of learning materials, production costs;
- venue-related costs (cleaning, electricity, technical equipment, etc.);
- photo and video documentation of Learning Labs, social media promotion;
- catering/refreshments;
- transportation costs;
- other relevant costs
Are existing cooperation projects between creative hubs and educational institutions eligible to apply?
Yes, provided they comply with the requirements and overall goals of Learning Labs stated in this call and that they are not already receiving any other financial support for the same activity.
What type of educational institutions are eligible as partners in Learning Labs?
All formal and non-formal educational institutions registered as such on the territory of EU Member states, Creative Europe countries and ENP countries are eligible for the program. We would like to cover a broad spectrum of institutions within the final selection, in order to have results from diversive cooperation projects. We especially encourage cooperation with primary schools or those working with the elderly.
What do you mean under non formal education?
Non formal education is defined as “Education that is institutionalized, intentional and planned by an education provider. The defining characteristic of non-formal education is that it is an addition, alternative and/or a complement to formal education within the process of the lifelong learning of individuals. It is often provided to guarantee the right of access to education for all. It caters for people of all ages, but does not necessarily apply a continuous pathway-structure; it may be short in duration and/or low intensity, and it is typically provided in the form of short courses, workshops or seminars. Non-formal education mostly leads to qualifications that are not recognized as formal qualifications by the relevant national educational authorities or to no qualifications at all. Non-formal education can cover programmes contributing to adult and youth literacy and education for out-of-school children, as well as programmes on life skills, work skills, and social or cultural development.” (Defined by UNESCO Institute of Statistics, ISCED 2011)
What do you mean by a confirmed agreement with the educational institution?
The agreement does not need to have the form of a signed contract, however, the agreement on participation in the Learning Labs has to have been confirmed to the Creative hub by the authorized representative of the educational institution (preferably in written format, e.g. email, etc.). The contact details of the educational institution representatives will need to be included in the application form and could be cross-checked by the Creative FLIP Team during the selection process.
Should you have any additional questions concerning this call, please contact us by email: CreativeFLIP@goethe.de
The Creative FLIP team looks forward to receiving your application!