We are relaunching the survey on the effects the COVID-19 crisis has had on CCI workers across Europe, in order to create a strong argument to advocate for our sector.
It is imperative that we all participate and share it with anyone concerned!
It takes up to 15 minutes to fill out and it is completely anonymous.
The survey will be open until November 15th and results will be published soon afterwards and sent to participants as well if they wish.
More info:
The research is covering all 27-member state countries, UK, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Moldova.
It concerns all CCI sectors:
1. LaVallee, Bruxelles, Belgium ( https://smartbe.be )
2. Wap’s hub, Tournai, Belgium (https://www.wapshub.be )
3. Missia 23, Sofia, Bulgaria (https://missia23.com/ )
4. AZIL, Zagreb, Croatia (https://rationalinternational.net/ )
5. BIZkoshnica, Zagreb, Croatia (http://www.bizkoshnica.biz/ )
6. Culture Hub Croatia, Split, Croatia ( http://culturehubcroatia.hr/en/ )
7. Hub Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus (https://www.hubnicosia.org/ )
8. Republikken, Copenhagen, Denmark (http://republikken.net/ )
9. Kaapeli, Helsinki, Finland (https://www.kaapelitehdas.fi/ )
10. Union Gewerbehof, Dortmund, Germany (https://www.unionviertel.de/uniongewerbehof/ )
11. Bios, Athens, Greece ( http://pireos84.bios.gr/ )
12. Changemakers Lab, Mytilini, Greece (http://changemakerslab.com/ )
13. FIX In art, Thessaloniki, Greece (https://www.facebook.com/fixinart )
14. Stonesoup, Athens, Greece ( https://www.stonesoup.io/ )
15. BOOM! Studios, Bangor, Ireland (http://www.boom-studios.com/ )
16. Creative Spark, Dundalk, Ireland ( https://creativespark.ie/ )
17. BASE Milano, Milan, Italy ( https://base.milano.it/ )
18. Comincenter, Potenza – Matera, Italy (https://www.comincenter.it/ )
19. Warehouse, Marotta (PU), Italy (https://warehouse.marche.it/ )
20. ZIPhouse, Chisinau, Moldova ( https://www.ziphouse.md/ )
21. CRU cowork, Porto, Portugal ( https://cru-cowork.com/ )
22. Dinamo10, Viana do Castelo, Portugal ( https://www.dinamo10.net/ )
23. Fab Lab Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (http://fablablisboa.pt/ )
24. UPTEC, Porto, Portugal ( https://uptec.up.pt/ )
25. Faber, Timisoara, Romania (http://faber.community/ )
26. FOR, Timisoara, Romania ( https://f-o-r.ro/ )
27. Nova Iskra, Belgrade, Serbia (https://novaiskra.com/ )
28. Poligon, Ljubljana, Slovenia (http://www.poligon.si/ )
29. AndaCowork, Granada, Spain (https://www.andacowork.com/ )
30. CoEspai Girona, Girona, Spain ( http://www.coespai.com/ )
31. Espacio Arroelo, Pontevedra, Spain ( http://espacioarroelo.es/ )
32. The Living Room, Malaga, Spain ( https://tlr-coworking.com/ )
33. STPLN, Malmo, Sweden ( https://stpln.org/ )
34. De Besturing, The Hague, The Netherlands ( http://debesturing.nl/ )
35. Dutch Creative Residency Network, The Hague, The Netherlands ( https://dcrnetwork.nl/ )
36. Atolye, Istanbul , Turkey ( https://atolye.io )
37. Many studios CIC, Glasgow, UK ( www.manystudios.co.uk )
38. Originn, Izmir, Turkey (https://www.originn.com.tr/ )
39. Mob, Barcelona, Spain ( https://mob-barcelona.com/ )
40. 1535 Creative Hub, Differdange, Luxembourg ( https://www.1535.lu/ )
41. “Τuesday coworking” – MoreThanADesk GmbH, Berlin, Germany https://www.tuesdaycoworking.com/morethanadesk-gmbh/
42. The Artist and the Others, Maastricht, The Netherlands https://theartistandtheothers.nl/
43. Croatian Independent Professional Association / Hrvatsko društvo nezavisnih profesionalaca, Zagreb, Croatia https://hdnp.hr/
44. Artcor – Creative Industries Center, Chișinău, Moldov, https://artcor.md/
45. MA Sphère, Toulouse, France http://www.ma-sphere.eu/
46. Colaborativa.eu, Cordoba, Spain ( www.fablab.saul.ie, www.colaborativa.eu )
47. Volumes, Paris, France( http://volumesparis.org/ )
48. Alchemy Hub, Brasov, Romania www.alchemy-hub.ro
49. Betahaus, Barcelona, Spain ( https://www.betahaus.es/ )
50. Anyksciai art incubator – art studio, Anyksciai, Lithuania ( http://www.menuinkubatorius.lt/ )
51. Blitz Valletta, Malta, (https://blitzvalletta.com/)
52. Tershouse, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina (
https://www.tershouse.ba/ )
You can join the team of ambassadors by completing this form:
This research is part of MAX project
(Makers’ Mobility Pilot project, co-funded by the European Union and coordinated by European Creative Hubs Network in partnership with Fab Lab Barcelona, UPTEC and Makery).
For more info, click here: http://makersxchange.eu/